Sexually Transmitted Disease can infect a person from any age, status, sex, etc. It is transmitted through sexual activity or by direct physical contact with an infected partner. You can know more about how these diseases look like by looking at their pictures on the internet. Some manifestations are somewhat similar to common diseases, and this is why it is essential to view pictures on the internet to have an idea if you are carrying a disease. You can also view transcriptions or medical manuals as they also provide STD pictures. Here are the top 3 sexually transmitted diseases:


The symptoms are round sores known as Chancre surrounding the genital parts or the anal area. They usually form in clusters and are very recurrent. It comes in many several stages and is treatable. Untreated syphilis is dangerous as it can be transmitted in numerous ways. It can also cause death if untreated. Syphilis is also known as ‘the great imitator’ as it can mimic some diseases making it hard to diagnose. There are pictures available on Google images to have an idea of what it looks like. 

Genital Warts

This disease is known as Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. These warts are moist, soft, pink or flesh colored that are swelling and usually appear on the thighs, scrotum, groin, penis, cervix, anus, vulva, and vagina. They can be small, large, single, multiple, raised, flat and sometimes shaped like a cauliflower. It is spread by having sexual contact with a partner having genital warts.


This disease appears as a group of painful blisters or sores. Sometimes, the sores are mistakenly deemed as normal insect bites or any other skin problems like allergies. Even if you never had this condition, it is impossible not to have heard of herpes as it is ugly and disturbing. In fact, it is more complex. When talking about herpes, we think about oral herpes but more than that, it is a serious disease.

Other types of sexually transmitted diseases may not show physical symptoms. Just because you do not have any physical symptoms, it does not mean you are not a victim. Clinical tests do not only require visual physical examination. It will also entail blood and urine samples. Visiting a clinic to confirm these diseases are the best way to diagnose them.

Clinics have all the essential tests to determine you have an infection or not. You can also request some pictures to become more knowledgeable about the disease. You can keep yourself updated and posted with the latest news about sexually transmitted diseases when you visit a clinic. Do not worry! As your privacy will be kept a secret since clinics will not give any information about your diagnosis.

Orji ozoemena
6/22/2017 03:58:07 pm

Am infected (herpes) what should i do and which drogs should i go for


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    Author the Publisher

    Albert is a blogger for many years and he has been helping clients all over the world. He built this blog with a sole intention to help people all around the world and to share his ideas and thoughts.


    January 2014


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